Academic Integrity Policy

Dual Advisors and its educational partners are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity. Our Academic Integrity Policy outlines the expectations for all students enrolled in our programs regarding honesty, ethical behavior, and the proper use of academic resources.

We expect our students to maintain the highest level of integrity in all academic activities, including coursework, examinations, and interactions with instructors and fellow students.


  1. Plagiarism: Plagiarism, including the use of another person's work without proper citation or improper use of artificial intelligence (AI), is strictly prohibited. All work submitted by students must be their own original work, properly cited where necessary.

  2. Cheating: Cheating in any form, including but not limited to copying from others, using unauthorized materials during examinations, or obtaining unauthorized assistance, is not tolerated.

  3. Collaboration: Collaboration among students is encouraged within the parameters set by instructors. However, all collaborative work must be appropriately acknowledged, and individual contributions must be clearly identifiable.

  4. Academic Honesty: Students are expected to be honest in all academic endeavors, including the completion of assignments, examinations, and projects. Any form of dishonesty undermines the learning process and is not acceptable.

Consequences of Violations:

Violations of academic integrity will result in disciplinary action, which may include:

  • A failing grade for the assignment or examination
  • A failing grade for the course
  • Suspension or expulsion from the program
  • Forfeiture of any coursework cost(s), even those within the parameters stipulated in Dual Advisors' Drop Date & Refund Policies
  • Permanent notation in your academic records and/or transcript

In addition to these consequences, violations of academic integrity may also be reported to the student's educational institution, which could result in further disciplinary action.

Reporting Violations:

Students, faculty, or staff who become aware of a potential violation of academic integrity are encouraged to report it to the appropriate authorities. Reports can be made to the instructor, program administrators, or academic advisors.

Appeals Process:

Students who believe they have been unfairly accused of violating academic integrity have the right to appeal the decision. Appeals should be made in writing to the program administration, who will review the case and make a final determination.

By enrolling in Dual Advisors' programs, students agree to abide by this academic integrity policy and understand that any violations may result in disciplinary action. We are committed to maintaining a culture of academic honesty and integrity to ensure the quality and credibility of our programs.